Saturday, September 11, 2010

Soldiers Rip to Pieces and then Rebuild Army Jeep in Less than 4 Minutes!

For many, the world's most iconic automobile is not the Ford Model T or the Volkswagen Beetle. For them, it's the humble Willys Jeep. Serving in three wars, the Jeep (or MB) was built to fulfill a 1930s War Department requirement for a light 4x4 utility vehicle that was both simple and reliable.

Everything the army uses is built on this philosophy – simple and reliable – and the Jeep was both. In this video, seven soldiers break a Jeep down into its component pieces (bodywork, chassis, engine / transmission, driveshaft, axles and wheels) and put it back together again, all in under four minutes.

It has to be seen to be believed.

By Tristan Hankins

Via: Jalopnik


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